ASSE and SEM have signed until 2030!
AS Saint-Etienne and Saint-Etienne Métropole have officially signed the new occupancy agreement for the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium which will allow the club to make use of the private areas of the stadium throughout the entire year.
As of July 1st and for the next twelve years, AS Saint-Etienne will be able to use the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium on non-match days. That is the essence of the convention signed this Friday morning, in the Michel Platini lounge of the Cauldron, by Roland Romeyer, President of ASSE and Gaël Perdriau, President of Saint-Etienne Métropole, in the presence of Roland Goujon, Vice President in charge of sports, and Frédéric Paquet, General Manager of the club.
This agreement for which the Saint-Etienne Métropole office voted unanimously, Thursday evening, offers new possibilities to ASSE, which will now ensure, throughout the entire year, the commercial use of privates spaces of the stadium’s surrounding wall. This long-term agreement will notably allow the club to improve its reception of all of its publics, partners and supporters alike.
Important work concerning the stadium’s sound and video-surveillance systems will next be under way in order to adapt the stadium to the specifications of the competitions and the requirements of modern Football. A video protection system that includes 240 cameras will be installed before the first home match of the championship set for August 11th .
The Geoffroy-Guichard stadium will be made available to the club in return for a fixed fee of 1.638 million euros, and a variable portion indexed to the turnover earned in the stadium from the first million euros. The maintenance of the stadium’s field will remain the responsibility of Saint-Etienne Métropole.
> Roland Romeyer, President of AS Saint-Etienne : “The signing of this agreement is the culmination of much work completed in perfect harmony by the club, the city of Saint-Etienne and Saint-Etienne Métropole. This agreement benefits all and I am pleased with the intelligence with which these negotiations were conducted. The use of the lounges 365 days of the years will allow us to improve the reception of our partners and to offer them new services. Ensuring the loyalty of our partners is a priority for the development of the club. The reception of our public is another priority. Each match at the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium is a huge event to organize and this event must be organized under the best possible conditions for the reception and security of all. Saint-Etienne Métropole retains all of its prerogatives concerning the maintenance of the field. We’ve seen great improvement these last few months. We’ve had at our disposal a beautiful field that helped us to deliver great performances during the second half of the season.”
> Gaël Perdriau, President of Saint-Etienne Métropole et Mayor de Saint-Etienne : “I would like to thank the teams of Saint-Etienne Métropole who, through their work, have allowed this agreement to be reached. The convention allows ASSE, as was the wish of Roland Romeyer, to create new possibilities for the development of the club. Saint-Etienne Métropole will continue to manage the national and international events, as was the case for 2016 UEFA European Championship, and as will be the case for the 2023 Rugby World Cup, which constitutes a major event for our city and its prestige.”