Pros Tuesday 21 May 2019 à 18h25

Roland Romeyer : "The greatest coach"

ASSE’s President paid tribute to Jean-Louis Gasset, whose departure at the end of the season was formalized on Tuesday.

The Departure of Jean-Louis Gasset

We had a three-way discussion with Bernard Caïazzo (Chairman of the Supervisory Board). I felt that Jean-Louis Gasset wanted to make a decision. I’m not someone who talks. There was no statement from me. We spoke frankly with Jean-Louis, as always. He told me of his decision to stop. I spent a special weekend thinking of the qualification for the UEFA Europa League, the emotion of the Green Nation. But, in my heart of hearts, I knew that the most difficult thing was coming. Monday, at 9:30, when Jean-Louis knocked on my door and confirmed that he was stopping, I felt much sadness. We had a moral agreement, he was free to choose. I accept and respect his decision with much regret. Losing him hurts.”

The Mark of a Great Coach

"For me, Jean-Louis is the greatest coach that ASSE has known since I’ve been the President of the Club. He completed two objectives that were very difficult to fulfill. When I called him, I thought about his qualities, his audacity, his knowledge of the players and his management style. The majority of the fans have the same opinion of him as me. Today, Jean-Louis is 65-years old. Training a club like ASSE is complicated. There’s a history, a Football city, fans all over France and the Stéphanois who cling to this club because economically the region is suffering. I’ll never thank him enough for having brought joy and pried to the entire Green Nation.”

The Successor of Jean-Louis Gasset

"Jean-Louis’ decision was given to me yesterday (Monday). We thought we were going to take some time so that he could announce his decision to the players and the staff. We were thinking of organizing a press conference this Thursday. My telephone did not stop ringing. Saint-Étienne interests many people. We’ll see shortly, I hope and I’ll speak with my associate. I’ll also ask for advice from a few people like Jean-Louis Gasset. I’ve listened to what he’s said to me. He’ll never forget Saint-Étienne. He’s a man of his word. I’m counting on him to help us to continue what he started 18 months ago. We’ll try to find a coach who, in our opinion, will be the most competent in order to bring the future of the club to fruition.”

A positive situation for Sports and the Economy

"As a shareholder of the club and manager of ASSE, I’ve completed my mission as CEO since 2010. We’re the only club in France to have presented positive accounts to the DNCH. Last season, Jean-Louis asked for players capable of getting us out of our rut. That lasted six months. Players not doing well in their respective clubs made concessions, out of affection for Jean-Louis. Since I was managing the club, I knew the financial margin that I had to recruit players. Finally, Jean-Louis did more than I was hoping. Him, his staff and the players did a remarkable job. They allowed us to stay in Ligue 1 and to finish in a tie with the team in sixth place. We couldn’t do anything else than hold on to the main players who had joined us. The club thus took out a loan of 20 million euros. Despite everything, we’re still going to achieve the feat of presenting to the DNCG a balanced account for the current season. With the confidence of the banks, the unexpected sale of Ole Selnaes’ contract and a contract with Lagardère Sports, we’ll be able to balance our accounts."



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