ASSE Coeur-Vert
Underpinned by the brand image and values of Les Verts, the ASSE has created an association, ASSE Cœur-Vert (Green Heart). The goal of the association is to promote general interest initiatives.
The ASSE enlists its professional players, all its teams and its range of communication tools to enable ASSE Cœur-Vert partner associations to successfully undertake their charity work. In 2014, ASSE Cœur-Vert supported 80 associations, organised or assisted with 120 activities, redistributed 184,000 euro and gave away 5,259 match tickets.
Run by Lionel Potillon, the ASSE Cœur-Vert has 4 objectives:
> to encourage solidarity against illness and disability;
> to foster citizenship;
> to conserve the environment;
> to promote amateur sport.